Home Lighting
Whether you are watching TV, dining or entertaining, one press of a button creates the appropriate lighting scene.
Lighting control allows you to change the lighting scene of any area of your home to suit the occasion from the wall switch - wall mounted display - smartphone - tablet - or home computer. Modern lighting control is always at your fingertips.
Use light to create contrast, focus and depth. lighting plays an essential role in creating a beautiful room. Whether you want multiples lighting in every room, create focal points, one-touch control, or more efficient ways to save energy, Ironton Integration provides the solution.
Indoor Lighting
Whether you are watching TV, dining or entertaining, one press of a button creates the appropriate lighting scene. Lighting control allows you to change the lighting scene of any area of your home to suit the occasion from the wall switch - wall mounted display - smartphone - tablet - or home computer. Modern lighting control should always at your fingertips.
REGEN AV has created lighting solutions for some of the finest homes. We do both on site consultation or customized drawings and designs for lighting and lighting control. Contact us for more information about lighting and lighting control.
- Have the lights in the house turn on automatically to welcome you home
- Use motion sensors to provide hands-free illumination in the dark
- Turn off all lights with a single touch — except for specified lights
- Program the lights to shut off automatically when a room is unoccupied
- Have beautiful lighting to suit the mood or context of the day or time
- We can set up scenes such as: entertain, dinnertime, welcome home...
REGEN AV lighting solutions provide total control over every light in the house and grounds — from across the room or around the world.