
See Where You Rank in Google Rankings

With RankMyCompany,
“See where you are - So you know where you're going"

Marketing in the Age of Google

People want to buy from You!
Potential A/V customers are using Google to find their Audio Video Integrators. Fact: the first page of Google results in over 90% of clicks.

It's simple - if you're not ranking on the first page of Google, you don't exist. They won't find You!

RankMyCompany shows you where you place - in your town, with the search terms you want to be found for.

You Have Been Judged...

And you have been ranked...
Google uses your web pages coding and content to determine where to rank your website in relationship to your A/V competition.

Perhaps you built the website yourself, or hired someone to do it. Find out where you are relative to your competitors.

RankMyCompany shows where your competitors place - in your town, with the search terms you want to be found for.

Give me the truth - I can take it!

Because I want to be on Page 1
Our reporting software delivers to you an unbiased guide to how your website scores in search terms you define, in cities and areas you want to reach.

Get an accurate assessment of your website ranking without having to spend hours doing the research yourself.

Improve Ranking, Improve Sales.

Where Does Your Company Rank?

Find Out. Use Our Tools. No Charge. Nada.